CAM8080 and Maximailer Dynamic
CAM 8080 is a new solution for card matching, affixing and mailing designed for medium to high volume card fulfilment applications.
CAM 8080 has been designed to compliment the existing CIM Pro Series line and can be set up as a stand-alone unit or in-line with other Pro Series solutios utilizing the CIM LinkWare application for seamless full end-to-end card personalization and fulfilment.
CAM 8080 has new card and carrier transport systems HP as well as an optimized card affixing label station to achieve a throughput of up to 1.800 cards per hour, depending on system and format.
The replacement of card affixing label supply rolls is fast and easy thus maximizing production throughput.
CAM 8080 can be configured with different data capture modules such as barcode reader for the front and the back of the card, a vision inspection system to optically verify card data (OCR or 2D data matrix).
CAM 8080 is also available with a magnetic read back station as well as read back stations for contact and contactless cards.
The card transportation HP on CAM 8080 has been designed using a friction belt card transport system thus completely eliminating scratches on both sides of the card.
CAM 8080 can be supplied with the MAXIMAILER DYNAMIC, a multi-station system that takes the carrier with the affixed card, folds and envelops it. In addition other inserts can be added as an option.
CAM 8080 can be supplied with an optional CARD SECURITY LABELING MODULE for an additional level of card security. This innovative solution allows for the application of an ADHESIVE PLASTIC LAYER OVER THE CARD, previously affixed on the carrier, that serves as an impermeable membrane, keeping the card attached to the carrier as well as protecting it from outside elements, especially those that threaten the security of the card and card holder's information. The label ensures PROTECTION FROM ANY ATTEMPT TO FRAUD thanks to its anti-tamper edge.
- CAM 8080 with printer for carrier personalization in real time
- CAM 8080 Stream Feeder with stream feeder for feeding and inserting of pre-printed carriers
- CAM 8080 High Performance with printer and steam feeder to satisfy all needs.
Used by
Bank/Credit institutions
insurance companies
government offices
service bureaus
Ideal for
credit/debit cards
insurance cards
membership cards
rewards cards
gift cards